🌟New Insights on Menopause Treatment!🌟

🔍 Recent updates from top health institutions reveal safer and more personalized approaches to hormone therapy for menopause. Whether you’re struggling with hot flashes, night sweats, or other menopausal symptoms, there’s new hope for relief tailored just for you.

👩‍⚕️ The latest guidelines emphasize a tailored approach, considering each woman’s health history and symptoms to determine the best type and dosage of therapy. This personalized strategy aims to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

💡 Key Points:

  • Hormone therapy is now considered safe for many, with transdermal patches and lower doses reducing risks of complications like blood clots.
  • Ongoing discussions with healthcare providers are crucial to adjust treatments as your needs and the latest science evolve.
  • Hormone therapy can significantly improve quality of life for women experiencing severe menopausal symptoms.

🌐 For a deeper dive into the latest research and recommendations on menopausal hormone therapy, check out the full article https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/05/01/menopause-hormones-hrt-safety-whi/

#MenopauseAwareness #WomenHealth #HormoneTherapy #MenopauseTreatment



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Are you FED UP with our current healthcare model?

Do you want an alternative to deal with common symptoms of depression, fatigue, weight gain, hormone imbalances, difficulty sleeping, aches and pains and more? Please come join us for a FREE presentation on Wednesday evenings or Saturday mid-morning to learn more. Our current upcoming dates and times are June 3rd @ 11a.m. and June 7th @ 5:30p.m. Seating is limited, so you must RSVP!

Presented by Kari Rocco, Nurse Practitioner

Call or email Penny ASAP as seating is limited for these events! Reservations are required.